Friday, February 3, 2012

Here I sit at the computer, staring at the screen, reading other peoples' blogposts, and trying to come up with a post of my own. Well, I got tired of just trying and decided to write whatever came out.

I have been busy getting acclimated to my new home in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, for almost a month now. I finally got back to work after a few weeks off, and love my new workplace. (Still work for the same company. Just in a different city, and state.) Speaking of my new workplace, I love to say the name of the town that I work in, Woonsocket, Rhode Island. Woooooonsocket! LOL

I have been enjoying getting to see new places, and eat at new restaurants, etc. Jenn has been great, showing me all these new places. I did find the nearest Starbucks to my new workplace, on my own, though. Although, even that was partially made possible by the GPS that Jenn, and our zoo bought me for Christmas. (Not the Roger Williams Zoo in Providence. Our zoo of animals. If you don't understand, read my post from last month. LOL) Anyhow, the closest Starbucks to Wooooonsocket is in Lincoln, Rhode Island. Someday soon, I will have to visit the Starbucks in Providence, though.

This whole acclimation process has been fun. I even get a thrill out of going grocery shopping, because it is fairly new to me in the sense that it is not only me going to new stores, but also me shopping with Jenn, instead of the shopping for myself alone that I have done for many years. One thing to note about the shopping, though. We have decided that shopping on the first of the month is not advisable, if at all avoidable. Everyone and their brother was at Pricerite, since they all got their foodstamps, that day. OMG, we must have stood in line for over an hour, and possibly two hours to pay for our groceries. Thank God we got enough to last us for a while, though. And then we went shopping for pet food, and various other items at Walmart, today. Even they were a little busy with foodstamp shoppers. However, not even a tenth as busy as Pricerite the day before. (For those of you that don't know, Pricerite is a low price grocery store similar to Sav A Lot.)

Well, I am going to try to post on this blog more often. I do like to write, even though you couldn't tell from the lack of posts here. I guess the thing is that I am frustrated, right now, because it doesn't seem like anyone is reading these posts, as I am my only Follower here. So, come on people, leave me some comments. That will encourage me to write some more, and as I write more, trust me, my writing style is awesome, if I must say so myself. LOL

Signing off for now,
