Wow! I can't believe it has been almost a year since I posted on this Blog. Shame on me. Then again, life happens. LOL
Life has been good for me here in Lil Rhody. Jenn and I have been married for over 9 months now, and I have gotten a transfer to work within a 12 minute walk of home. Jenn still works at the same place, which is about a mile from our house, and she uses the car, now, since I no longer need it to commute to Woonsocket. (For those of you not familiar with Rhode Island, Woonsocket is almost 30 minutes from Pawtucket by car, and we live a few blocks from the city line of Providence.)
We had a long cold winter here in Rhode Island, and I survived my first blizzard since I was a kid back in Pennsylvania. Now I am starting to feel like a real Northerner, again. Really strange that after 30 years in Florida, and just over a year back in the Northeast, I was talking to my dad the other day and telling him that the weather up here was beautiful with a temperature in the mid to upper 50's. He said he would be freezing, and I laughed and said that just a little over a year ago, I would have agreed. Now I work up a sweat walking in 60 degree weather. LOL
Speaking of exercise, I have been pretty much in hibernation since last September, and I am going to try to change that this year. I have gone for a few runs this year, but when I say a few, what I mean is exactly 3. Yes, I am doing a lot of walking, but that is out of necessity, and to me that doesn't count. My body is also telling me that it doesn't count. I lost 5 pounds when I first got my transfer to Providence, but now I have gained that back. I won't tell you how much I weigh, but it is over 200 lbs., and it is the most I have weighed in my life. Like my dad says, now is the time for me to get back in shape, because once I get into my 50's and beyond it will become nearly impossible to change my lifestyle and such and regain my fitness. So, I am stating it right here. I am going to get back into 5K shape, and build on that. I am hoping to do the Harvard Pilgrim Finish at the 50 5K on July 3, 2013 as a first race, this year. It sounds like a really cool race you run the area around Gillette Stadium (Home of the New England Patriots.), and finish at the 50 yard line inside the stadium. As you cross the finish line there is a camera that broadcasts the finishers on the Jumbotron above the field. And I hope to do the CVS/Caremark Downtown 5K again this year on September 22, 2013. It shouldn't be hard to beat my time from last year in that one, as I had a little problem somewhere around the 1 mile mark and finished the race in over 50 minutes. My ultimate goal is to keep building my mileage base, and possibly get in shape for a Half Marathon sometime in the future. However, I would be satisfied to run my 5K's and 10K's, as they have always been my go to distance, in the past.
Oh, I have something to brag on Jenn about, too. Jenn has gotten involved with the RI MRC (Rhode Island Medical Reserve Corps). She did her first event at the Cherrry Blossom Running Festival on May 5. She worked the medical tent. They only had 4 patients, all day, but she enjoyed the experience, and looks forward to doing more events. The RI MRC does these events to better prepare the Medical Volunteers for the possibility of being called upon to help out in a State Wide Emergency. After working with the RI MRC for a year, Jenn can apply and get involved with a similar organization that is on the National Level. (I can't recall what it is called, but I will post it here when I find out.) The cool thing is that Jenn is off from work on September 22nd. So, she is planning on working with RI MRC at the Medical Tent for the CVC/Caremark 5K, and I will run in the race. It will be a Team Glenney effort. I can't wait.
Well, hopefully I will post more often on this Blog, and keep everyone posted on life with Team Glenney, and just life in general, as I see it.
Until next time...
When Life Gives You Lemons. Make Lemonade.
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